Archive for February, 2010


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Please flush your dns and clear your cache.

Please Note: We’re moving. is a great host. Yes it is. But, we have grown past it. We want more control over the template. We want to be able to have plugins of our own choice, and more control overall.

Over the next few hours we’re migrating to YuriHosting. Nobody should experience any downtime. But I decided to give you all a heads up.

A few comments may go missing, but it should be minimal at best.

If you have an idea for a theme from that you really like email me a link to it at :].


Psionicist Guide Part II: Attributes and Abilities


Welcome to Part II of my Psionicist Guide.  In this part, I will take a look at the attributes and spells/abilities that are the building block of your character.  I will go over the importance of each attribute, the effects of each spell and suggested attribute/ability builds.

Thanks for joining me for Part II and I hope you find the guide worthwhile!

Continue reading

Interview with Game Master Ruatolov of Allods Online EU!

A bit ago I asked for an interview from Ruatolov, I’ve been saving the interview for the right date to release. I got a lot of questions asking about the game, but I pruned them, because it was meant to be a personal interview. He agreed to an interview and also gave me five hundred EU keys.

Now, without further ado, I present to you Ruatolov of the EU Gala-Net team!

What exactly is your job for gPotato?
My job is Community Manager for Allods Online Europe at the portal.

What is the most enjoyable part of your job?
Seeing the same names everyday playing while watching the newcomers enjoying the game for the first time! There’s a great sense of community in Europe for Allods Online. I’m also a fan of listening to the fun conversations that take place in zone chat. They talk about some crazy things!

Are you liking the fan following behind Allods Online so far?
The response from Europe for Allods Online has been really enthusiastic. Our players stretch right across the continent from Ireland to the edges of Eastern Europe and from the tip of Scandinavia to the very south of the Mediterranean. It’s really inspiring to be a part of a game with such a great fan base. The artwork submitted on our Guild Portal ( has been really creative too!

Why did you start working with this game?
I wanted to work on Allods Online because it offered me something I couldn’t find in other MMOs: A game where I can play whenever I want, and not worry about whether I’m getting my money’s worth. Being a member of the team that will spear-head a revolutionary change of the MMO genre is something not many experience. Pay to play is so last decade. 2010 and beyond belongs to the subscriptionless MMO, and Allods Online is leading the charge. Thank you!

Do you have any pets?
Ruatolov doesn’t look after animals. Ruatolov eats animals…for dinner.

In game, what is your favorite class so far?
Oh I don’t have a favourite. I tend to create a few different classes and just go with what feels good at the time. There’s plenty of choice in Allods Online so it’s tough for me to pick just one favourite class.

Do you have a preference for PvE or PvP?
Depends on my mood, if I’m feeling some stress and want to “let it out”, I do PvP. When plan on playing for a few short hours, I’ll just relax with some PvE. Allods Online has plenty of options in terms of play style, so it’s easy to switch from feature to feature.

What feature of Allods Online do you enjoy the most?
Astral Ships! I was born to be a Helmsman. Going through the Astral is a mysterious and exciting adventure. I still have to learn a few better strategies to successfully to take down Astral demons though.

What is your all time favorite game that is not an mmorpg?
Not an MMO? Hmm. Probably Jet Set Radio on the Dreamcast. I also love some Street Fighter action. I’m so retro.

If you could go one place in the world for a week vacation, where would you go?
Well I’ve been to Japan before which was great, so maybe a different part of Japan this time.

If you could have a non combat pet in game, what would you like your pet to be?
I’d have an Astral-whale. Everyone would call him “Moby Dick of the Astral”.

What is the meaning behind your name?
If I told you, your mind may explode from sheer amazement.

Now, if I don’t ask this my readers will kill me. Any juicy gossip you’d like to share?
If your a fan of World Cup soccer, keep an eye out on our official site
It’s going to be a fun summer!

The League Newbie’s Starter Guide

One thing a new player will notice is a bunch of stuff in zone chat that may or may not make any sense at all. LFM rabid. LFM Mizgir. Things of that sort. Here is a short list of things you’ll see in zone chat in the first two or three zones on the League side, and answers to some other common questions seen in zone chat:

Where can I find birch scrolls? You will find them on the trees that are broken off. They are hard to find, that much is true, but don’t confine your search to just the area around the quest marker on your map. The birch trees are all over wherever the forest is not thick. The thick, dark forest will not have any.

What are the medicinal plantains for? Gather these to turn in for reputation and get blue gear. This is worth doing before you leave. See the Survivors reputation guide.

LFM DS: Looking for More, Damned Soul. You’ll see this on Evermeet Isle. Damned Soul is a raid boss, and the quest gives really good blue gear for rewards. The mob kill itself also has good xp. You must be level 6 in order to get the quest and be sure you do it before you leave the isle!

LFM rabid (or rabid squirrel, rabid sabertooth squirrel): This is the first raid boss you will be able to kill in Lightwood. You must be level 8 to receive the quest, A Cure for Rabies.

LFM Mizgir (or Arachnaphobia): Mizgir is the second raid boss in Lightwood, a giant, nasty spider. You must be level 10 in order to get the quest, called Arachnaphobia.

What happens if I die while killing a raid boss? Two options. You can ask your raid to hold off on DPS and give you time to run back (but you’ll have to get a hit in on it before it dies or you won’t get credit), or you can simply not release. If you don’t release, you will still get credit when it dies.

LFM Oreshek (or Oreshek Fortress): This is the instance for Lightwood, and you must be level ten in order to receive all of the quests for the instance. The drops in here are pretty impressive. Party only! You can not take a raid into Oreshek. One other thing to note is that the mobs don’t respawn in here. If you somehow are not able to complete the quest to escort the elf to the entrance, he will reappear where you first saw him and you will be able to go back and complete the quest.

Where is the treasure? The treasure in Evermeet is easy to find, since a quest takes you right to it. The treasures in Lightwood are a little harder. Check out this guide to finding the two chests in Lightwood.