Archive for the ‘ Guides ’ Category

Psionicist Guide Part II: Attributes and Abilities


Welcome to Part II of my Psionicist Guide.  In this part, I will take a look at the attributes and spells/abilities that are the building block of your character.  I will go over the importance of each attribute, the effects of each spell and suggested attribute/ability builds.

Thanks for joining me for Part II and I hope you find the guide worthwhile!

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Bright’s Alchemy Guide

With the last days of Closed beta counting down I decided to play with a craft, here is what I have learned about crafting.

Like any other profession you will spend 38 Silver on the instruction manual and learn your only profession for the time being. You will also need to purchase a shoddy flask which will take an inventory slot and act as you access to your skill.

Upon speaking to the alchemist again he will give you a quest to bring him 10 Stain Removers. You will also be given 40 basic solvents to use as ingredients. These will be found on the Reagents tab of your bag.

***BIG HINT***
You will not need to use all 40 basic solvents to make the 10 Stain Removers but you should keep crafting until you have used all 40. The quest give will take back any extras you have and afterwards you will pay 9 silvers for each one.

As you can see the basic solvent has 2 properties 2 Blinding Agents and 2 Unknown. When you open your Alchemist window you will see two flasks for boiling ingredients.

You will place 2 of your herbs (which will need to be bought/traded) from an herbalist or the auction house until you can learn your second profession. Into the flask and click on boil.

The aspects will rotate like a slot machine and stop. If you match a recipe (which I’ll cover a little later) you will have a potion ready to be bottled, if not you will have the bottle of death show.

You are permitted to make a minor correction (levels 1-50 only 1) to the results to steer them to a usable potion.


You can click on the recipes tab at the bottom of your alchemy window to access the list of potions you know. Through experimentation I discovered that unless you know the recipe you can not accidently create a potion or make it, you just get the bottle of death.

And here is what the potions do.

Buff lasts for 30 seconds but man do you fly.

Any skill increasing potion does cancel out any other one in effect, making so that you can only have one 30 min stat buff active at one time.

Again a 30 sec buff but having a constant 34 damage reduction can make a big difference in lower level PvP and Boss fights.

I never did make a Divine resistance potion but assume (I know shame on me) that it would match nature’s resistance except vs divine. Might be useful against all those PvP paladins…..uh well maybe there’s a hold boss monster out there somewhere.

Reputation: The Survivors

The Survivors is the first reputation faction a League character will run into on Evermeet Isle. The Survivors offer a wide verity of reputation gear to get before it is time to leave the island.

Be sure to hit respected reputation before you leave Evermeet Isle and buy your gear from the quartermaster. Once you leave Evermeet Isle you will not be able to come back.

To get reputation just do quests, all the quests on Evermeet Isle (do not talk to the June Crystal to leave, as you won’t be able to come back. This June Crystal is in front of the Mysterious Benefactor, aka the Nameless One who is an elf.)

While you quest you will be able to pick up plants that look like this:

These are called Wild Plantains. Collect them and keep them in your bags while you quest. You need thirty or more, depending on how patient you are with reputation. These are components needed for a repeatable quest for Survivors reputation. This is the repeatable quest:

This quest is given by Alfred de Delice:

Alfred de Delice can be found by a tree in the Scout Camp, which is the first major quest hub you will encounter, with a Goblin Innkeeper as a League character. The Scout Camp is found in roughly the center of Evermeet Isle:

Each quest takes ten Wild Plantains to get 1,000 Reputation. Most quests offer between 500 to 1,000 reputation themselves. It usually takes three turn-ins to get respected reputation which is 25,000 reputation. Many people spend time doing it earlier to get the better gear earlier. You only need to be level five to wear the gear from this vendor.

The gear offered from reputation vendors is often times better then what you can find by quest rewards, treasure chests, or even dungeons. Reputation gear in Allods Online is very important.

The Survivors’ Quartermaster can be found in the Scout Camp as well. It is a Gibberling family called the Frolicsome Family.

Finding the Treasure in Asee-Teph

This guide is going to be very general, since both factions get to partake of this treasure. Do be careful, there are other players and level 25-26 elementals that are out to get you!

Go to Asee-Teph, of course. Start walking (or flying) towards this location:

Now, find the glowy spot in the area, like so:

You’re close! You should see the repeatable marker on your screen, the treasure is very near this spot. Here we are!

There it is! Be careful of the elementals, they are not friendly. Your faithful, brave reporter endured several deaths at the hands of elementals in order to bring you this helpful guide. Thank you to the cleric Blyss, wherever you are, for killing them! This is a mithril chest, enjoy!

Wild Isles Treasure

This guide will walk you through the steps on retrieving the treasure on Wild Isles. Thanks to BlitzGash (aka Garrett) for sending this in! :D. If you would like to submit a guide feel free to email me at :].

I will start from the middle Isle named Savage Isle. Since this location teleports you to all of the other isles.

What you want to do is click the binding point (Ancient June Ruins) and teleport to Roughneck Isle.

When you arrive onto Roughneck Isle, Prepare to enter the camp right in front of you. You will have to do a lot of fighting to get through this camp.

Once you enter the camp and kill off a couple of Roughnecks, you want to keep head down the only path leading out of this camp.

The second camp with the X is where the location of the treasure chest is. Kill off any mobs that interfere and proceed to the chest.

Once you approach the X you might notice that the treasure chest icon will pop up. The treasure chest here is a Skull Shield.

This chest includes a Mithril Chest.